10 Inspiring DIY Graduation Cap Ideas
Before you know it, you’ll be throwing your graduation cap up in the air. But not so quick! You’ve spent all this hard work, time and effort perfecting your studies that you deserve to put your own twist into the ceremony. And no, we aren’t talking about streaking.
Instead, make your graduation your own by designing your graduation cap. Here are some of the best graduation cap ideas that’ll definitely get your creativity gears going.
Remember Who You Are
High school and college can sometimes make you question who you are, what you're doing and why you're spending all this time studying. But now, you know why. As you head into the next chapter, remember that with this awesome Lion King-inspired graduation cap.
Die-Hard American
If patriotism is your middle name, consider the all-American graduation cap ideas. This one is perfect for anyone getting ready to head off to the military, and it’s certain to win the hearts of your peers.
All Star
If you were one of the lucky few to land an athletic scholarship – or you’re simply a sports fan – this graduation cap idea is definitely one worth considering.
Made the Cut
Receiving that acceptance letter is like finally finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! So, show it off! You’re proud and you deserve to be. Plus, this saves you from answering the same question over and over again on grad night – where are you going to school next?
If It Wasn't For Your Bae and Besties...
If it wasn’t for your friends and family, you might have never made it. There’s no denying that your loved ones are your backbone during your high school and/or college years. That’s also not to mention that they put the fun into all your late-night study sessions and parties. So, show them off with a custom graduation cap idea.
Fresh Prince of [School Name]
Fresh Prince of Bellaire is going to turn you into the Fresh Prince of whatever school you’re heading off to! Not only is this graduation cap hilarious but it’s also totally epic and perfect for the big celebration.
Game of Loans
Game of loans is right! And yes, interest is coming! Oh, the joys of being broke for many years after graduation. Might as well make some light of it with this hilarious yet painfully accurate graduation cap idea.
Your Way or the Highway
You might not have gone through your school career like everyone else but regardless, you did it! Congratulations.
School Bound
Save yourself from hearing (and answering) the same question with a college graduation cap idea. They ask? You bow – and show off the top of your graduation cap.
Leveling Up
You’ve officially jumped and reached the top of the flagpole that, for so long, has seemed impossible to reach. So, this graduation cap idea is a must, especially for millennials.
Let these graduation cap ideas inspire your future one. Once you’re ready to design your grad cap, Tassel Toppers is here to provide you with high quality, custom designs.
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